Sanford (Sandy) Weill, former empire builder and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup, has gotten religion.
“Break up the big banks,”
Sandy cries from the rooftops!
“The big banks do not make
economic sense and are subject to systemic collapse.”
“Re-instate Glass-Steagall.”
My question is “What job is
Sandy Weill shooting for now? My
goodness, the man is 79 years old. Does
he want to take over for Tim Geithner when Geithner ceases to be Treasury
Secretary? Or, maybe he wants to be the
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System when Bernanke
There must be something
behind this latest outburst for this man taught the world how to build a
“big”…no, a huge…financial institution.
This man did all he could to remove Glass-Steagall and wrote the
textbook on how to construct banks that were too big to fail.
Has he seen the light? What form did his revelation come in? He must be trying to trick us to get
something he wants. Be careful…the man
is a tiger!
Or, is he just too old?
The banking system is not
what it was when Sandy Weill was running things. Even as he remained Chairman of Citigroup
into the 2000s, Citi grew out of his understanding and control.
Finance is different
now. Finance is just about information
and how information is used. Electronics
is taking over.
In one sense, who needs a
bank? I do not “bank” at a commercial
bank. I don’t need to. My children don’t use a bank. They don’t need to.
Today, “banking” can be
integrated with a person’s financial portfolio in a non-bank and that person
can transfer funds from anything they own into cash, or, transaction accounts,
or, money market accounts, or, stocks, or commodities, or, foreign exchange,
or, whatever…in real time.
All these things are just
information and modern information technology allows people the opportunity to
operate in this sophisticated world of modern finance if they so desire. And, these systems will become ubiquitous in
the near future, all available on a handheld device.
Obviously, if individuals
have the ability to act in this way, the institutions that provide these
services also have the ability to act in this way. And, guess what? These institutions are going to act at the
edges of where the technology allows them to act. And, guess what? The regulators are going to have very little
ultimate control over this.
In fact, it is my belief that
the regulators don’t really know exactly what the banks…excuse me…the big banks
do. As usual, the banking system is out
in front of the regulators and, as usual, the regulators are scrambling as hard
as they can to catch up with where the banks are.
But, what does the banking
system in the United States look like?
The FDIC tells us that as of
March 31, 2012 there were 6263 commercial banks in the banking system, of
which, 525 held assets in excess of $1 billion.
Please note that these 525 banks held 91 percent of the assets in the
whole banking system.
The Federal Reserve gives us
a little finer breakout. The largest
twenty-five domestically chartered banks in the United States hold 57 percent
of the total bank assets of the country, but they hold 66 percent of the assets
held by all domestically chartered banks.
Thus, in terms of
domestically chartered banks, one can argue that the largest 25 domestically
chartered banks in the country hold 66 percent of the assets in domestically
chartered banks; 500 domestically chartered banks in the country hold 25
percent of these assets, and 5,738 domestically chartered banks in the country
hold 9 percent of the assets.
Foreign-related financial
institutions hold 14 percent of all the bank assets in the United States. This means that the assets of the largest 25
domestically chartered banks in the United States plus the assets of
foreign-related financial institutions total up to 71 percent of all the
banking assets in the country!
Where do you draw the line in
defining what banks are too big to fail?
And, where do you draw the line in defining what banks are too small to
survive? How can you make judgments like
these is a fair and just manner?
And, information technology
operates on scale and this means that the future is going to belong, even more,
to the larger banks…not the smaller ones.
Right now, however, it is the
6,200 or so, smaller domestically chartered banks that I have the greatest
concern for. The United States still has
more than 800 banks that reside on the FDIC’s list of problem banks. And, this list does not include those banks
that are in enough trouble that the FDIC and the OCC are looking for other
organizations to acquire them.
Furthermore, we still have
311 banks that the U. S. Treasury has an ownership
position in. This is down 32 banks
from the total in April 2012. This ownership position was achieved during the
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) that was launched in 2009.
Most of these banks are
smaller banks…the larger ones have paid back the fund in full. The bank shares owned by the Treasury are now
being auctioned off to investors who would like to own part of a bank. In April, 20 banks were auctioned off and the
Treasury received back 90 percent of what it was owed. In the latest auction of 12 banks, the
Treasury took a 14 percent haircut on 10 of the banks and could only partially
sell shares in the two other banks.
The attractiveness of the
remaining 311 banks is expected to be substantially less than those that were
involved in the latest auction. The
Treasury has several ideas about how the shares of these banks might be made
more attractive.
To me, the issue is not about
breaking up the larger banks. These
banks are going to all be technologically advanced and very difficult to
breakup, let alone regulate. The issue
is about the 6,200 banks that cannot compete electronically and the subsection
of these banks that are still facing issues of solvency.
I remain confident that the
number of banks in the banking system will drop below 4,000 in the next couple
of years and the trend will continue downwards. I also remain confident that, in the near
future, the largest 25 domestically chartered banks in the country plus
foreign-related financial institutions will see their share of assets in the U.
S. banking system rise from 71 percent to 80 percent and more. So let’s see, that leaves the remaining 3,950
or so “smaller” banks less than 20 percent of bank assets in the U. S. And, it is my belief that of this number, the
ones with any chance of survival will not be less than $1 billion in asset
size. What do you think, Sandy?