What should be the key factor
in determining whether or not to invest in a specific bank?
How about the ability of the
management of the bank to get around the rules and regulations now being
written up or proposed by the bank regulatory agencies?
A New York Times article this
morning, “Consumer Inquiry Focuses on Bank Overdraft Fees” contains the
following subtitle: “Wondering whether banks are working around new rules.” (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/22/business/bank-overdraft-fees-to-be-scrutinized-by-consumer-bureau.html?_r=1&ref=business)
My answer?
Yes! The banks are working around new rules!
I began my banking career in
the 1960s, a period when commercial banks began the process of financial
innovation that just grew and grew through the latter part of the century. In that decade we saw the introduction of the
negotiable certificate of deposit (negotiable CDs), the formation of bank holding
companies, the issuance of bank liabilities through the bank holding companies,
and the creation of the Eurodollar. Then
we saw banks attempting to get around state branching laws and interstate
branching laws and so on and so forth.
The rest is history!
When I was working in the
Federal Reserve System in the late 1960s and early 1970s the “rule of thumb”
was that the Fed was about six months behind what the commercial banks were
doing. New rules or regulations would go
into effect on the banking system…the commercial banks would move to “get
around” the new rules or regulations…and, it would take about six months for
the Fed to catch on to what the commercial banks were doing.
Times haven’t changed…and
won’t change.
Given the rapidly changing environment
created by information technology, the financial institutions will just have
more ways to quickly and effectively avoid any banking rules or regulations
they believe it is worthwhile to avoid.
To me, what Congress and the
regulators are trying to do is silly!
For one, the “powers that be”
are trying to avoid 2007-2008 from happening again.
Guess what?
2007-2008 will not happen
again. We have already moved way beyond
Furthermore, the technology
has changed to the point where it is almost impossible for regulators and
legislators to understand what is going on, let alone write rules and
regulations that will control what is going on.
Look at the Dodd-Frank
financial reform act. Most of the rules
and regulations included in this bill HAVE NOT BEEN WRITTEN YET!
And, President Obama signed
the act into law in July 2010. We are
ready to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the bill
and the most of the rules and regulations incorporated into the bill have not
been written.
And where is this “writing”
taking place? Primarily in back rooms,
with no intrusion from the public, and no review. See the enlightening piece in the Wall Street
Journal this week, “Fed Writes Sweeping Rules From Behind Closed Doors.” (http://professional.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204059804577225122892450312.html?mod=ITP_pageone_0&mg=reno64-wsj)
Here are some of the goodies:
“the Fed has held 47 separate votes on financial regulations, and scores more
are coming. In the process it is
reshaping the U. S. financial industry by directing banks on how much capital
they must hold, what kind of trading they can engage in and what kind of fees
they can charge retailers on debit-card transactions.”
I understand that one rule
relating to when Governors of the Federal Reserve System could go to the
bathroom has been removed. The writers
of the rules did not want to get into gender differences they felt were
necessary and instead of raising this issue…they just dropped the whole
These rules and regulations do have
effects. The problem is that they may
not always have the effects that are desired.
In some cases they do. For example, in the New York Times we read
the headlines: “Under Volcker, the Old Dividing Line in Banks May Return.” (http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/under-volcker-old-dividing-line-in-banks-may-return/?ref=business) That
is, financial institutions may divide back into the distinction between
commercial banks and investment banks.
This is just what Paul
Volcker would like to have happen.
However, in many other cases,
the rules and regulations will result in outcomes that are far from what was
intended by Congress or by the regulators that wrote the regulations. What those outcomes might be are, of course,
unknown because they haven’t happened yet.
And, some of the outcomes may
be totally unexpected because the outcomes will be related to the new things
that information technology will allow institutions to do. In five years, finance may be done in an
entirely different way than it is now.
(See my forthcoming review of the new book “The End of Money,”)
What bank…or financial
institution…should one invest in?
Congress and the regulators
have created so much uncertainty in the world of banking that it is almost
impossible to say anything about bank performance in the future. All bets on banks are nothing more than
gambling, at this stage.
I do not expect this
environment to change much in the near future.
Investing in banks is not where I would want to put my money at this
time because there is nothing really to base an investment decision on when it
comes to the banking industry.
This post is a continuation of my previous blogsite on Blogspot: http://maseportfolio.blogspot.com/.
ReplyDeleteMy blogs no longer appear on this old site and I cannot access them in any way. Nothing that I tried to re-activate my old blogsite worked and I could get no help from Google or Blogspot, itself. So, you can access my blog going forward here and then link to my old site where there are 650 posts beginning in February 2009. Thanks!